What I’m Watching…

What better time than summer to get all caught up on my movies and TV shows, right?? I’m always interested in the latest trends and what gets people talking. Whether it’s Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, HBO, or whatever else seems to be popular these days, I want to know about it!   So first things…

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EEGs at home!!

When it comes down to it, I am a technology nerd!! And I knew that this was 100% true after I saw this video and ordered the new Muse Headband! Learning to control you mind can have amazing results on concentration, stress, and even your golf game! I’ve just started using it daily and will…

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Zambia 2015

I am so excited to be partnering up with Tiny People Matters  in November.  We are traveling to Zambia to teach local, traditional birth attendants the basic skills to keep babies alive during the first minutes of life.   If you would like to support my trip with a tax-deductible gift, please click the link…

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