Hand to Hold Podcast Evaluation

Step 1 of 3

  • Hand to Hold Podcast: CEU Evaluation

    Thank you for your time. This survey will only take you a FEW minutes to complete. Please note, that each individual requesting a Continuing Education Certificate must complete a separate evaluation form.
  • Hidden
  • ExcellentVery GoodGoodFairPoor
    The instructor’s ability to explain was
    The pace of the material presented was
    The content was clear and easy to follow
    The content was presented without commercial bias
  • Child Life Specialists
    ExcellentVery GoodGoodFairPoor
    Explain at least three ways that the role of a child life specialist differs from a nurse, and when to refer a parent for these services
    List two activities/strategies a child life specialist might employ with siblings of an infant in the NICU to help them better understand what is happening
    Describe one tool or strategy that a NICU professional might use to help diffuse a situation if child life is unavailable


Email for Questions – grn.ceuprovider@nursekathi.com