Synapse Workshop - Evaluation

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  • Every NICU is a NeuroNICU Evaluation:

    Thank you for your time. This survey will only take you a FEW minutes to complete. Please note, that each individual requesting a Continuing Education Certificate must complete a separate evaluation form.
  • Every NICU is a NeuroNICU
    ExcellentVery GoodGoodFairPoor
    Kathi Randall, RN, MSN, CNS, NNP-BC - The instructor’s ability to explain was
    Shannon Tinkler, BSN, RNC-NIC - The instructor’s ability to explain was
    The pace of the material presented was
    The content was clear and easy to follow
    The content was presented without commercial bias
  • ExcellentVery GoodGoodFairPoor
    Outline the four pillars of NeuroNICU focused care.
    List three bedside neuro-protective practices.
    Discuss the options for neuro-monitoring at the bedside and two populations that could benefit.
    Create an implementation plan for one care practice that can improve neuro-developmental outcomes for infants or emotional health for parents.


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